High Voltage MOS(500~1050V)
Thermal Protectors
Motor Control Microcontrollers
Body Area High-end Microcontroller
AMC1100 AIR Mass Flow Controller
AGR10 Gauge Pressure Sensor
AOX4000 Fluorescent Oxygen Sensor
AHT20 Integrated temperature and humidity Sensor
Automotive Lighting and Air Conditioning System Controller
Appliance Microcontrollers
Medium-Low Voltage MOS(<300V)
Silicon carbide MOS
手机:0086-136 0286 9588
电话: 0086-20-2262-5106
邮箱: tina.dai@lettersemi.com
地址:RM708 Innovation Building,Tian An Technology Park, Ying Bin Road, Panyu Zone, Guangzhou City,China