IGBT (Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors) modules, also known as Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor modules, are products that package IGBT chips and diode chips into different power levels and circuit topologies. We offer various packaging forms of industrial-grade/automotive-grade IGBT power modules in the 650V-1700V series. The packaging processes include nanocopper sintering, DBC/AMB substrate welding, ultrasonic terminal welding, aluminum wire bonding, copper wire bonding, and clip bonding. These modules provide customers with low-cost and highly reliable IGBT power solutions.
Application Markets:
New energy vehicles
Variable frequency drives (VFDs)
Static Var Generators (SVGs)
Active Power Filters (APFs) and more
手机:0086-136 0286 9588
电话: 0086-20-2262-5106
邮箱: tina.dai@lettersemi.com
地址:RM708 Innovation Building,Tian An Technology Park, Ying Bin Road, Panyu Zone, Guangzhou City,China