Alcohol based fluxes
IF 2005M 1,8% No-residue Tm technology wave soldering SnPb
IF 2005K 2,5% Low residue wave soldering Pb-free
IF 2005C 3,4% prolonged activity selective soldering Pb-free
The Interflux@ IF 2005 series, no-clean fluxes are alcohol based and absolutely halide free.
IF 2005M is the basis of the No-residue Tm technology.
alcohol based
absolutely halide free
high ICT first pass yield, no rosin or flux bodies present
for SnPb and Pb-free alloys
high compatibility with conformal coating without cleaning
PacIFic series VOC-free fluxes
spray fluxing
PacIFic 2009M 3,7% low residue, high compatibility with coating wave soldering
PacIFic 2009MLF-E 3.7% reduced solder balling wave and selective soldering
PacIFic 2009MLF 37% ultra low solder balling wave and selective soldering
All fluxes in the PacIFic series are no-clean, completely water based and absolutely halide free.
100% water based, no VOC emissions
absolutely halide free
wave and selective soldering
high ICT first pass yield, no rosin or flux bodies present
for spray and foam applications
for SnPb and Pb-free alloys
手机:0086-136 0286 9588
电话: 0086-20-2262-5106
地址:RM708 Innovation Building,Tian An Technology Park, Ying Bin Road, Panyu Zone, Guangzhou City,China